The Mysterious Case of Filament AdminPanelProvider: Why You Can’t Pass Auth()->id()
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The Mysterious Case of Filament AdminPanelProvider: Why You Can’t Pass Auth()->id()

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Are you stuck in the labyrinth of Laravel Filament, wondering why on earth you can’t pass the sacred `Auth()->id()` to the AdminPanelProvider? Fear not, brave developer, for you are not alone in this struggle. In this epic guide, we shall embark on a quest to vanquish the darkness and uncover the secrets of the Filament AdminPanelProvider.

What is the Filament AdminPanelProvider, anyway?

The Filament AdminPanelProvider is a powerful tool in the Laravel Filament package that allows you to create custom admin panels for your application. It’s like having a superpower, but instead of flying or invisibility, you get to create stunning admin interfaces with ease.

The Problem: Passing Auth()->id() to AdminPanelProvider

// This won't work, and we'll find out why
use App\Providers\AdminPanelProvider;

public function boot(AdminPanelProvider $provider)
    $provider->setUpAuthUsing(function () {
        return Auth()->id();

So, what’s going on here? Why can’t we simply pass the `Auth()->id()` to the AdminPanelProvider? The answer lies in the very fabric of Laravel’s service container.

Laravel’s Service Container: The Unsung Hero

Laravel’s service container is a powerful mechanism that allows you to bind instances of classes to specific interfaces or aliases. It’s like a magical registry that keeps track of all the moving parts in your application.

In the case of the Filament AdminPanelProvider, the `Auth()->id()` is not available during the boot process of the provider. This is because the `Auth` facade is not yet booted when the provider is being set up.

The Solution: Delayed Resolution

The solution to this conundrum lies in the realm of delayed resolution. You see, Laravel’s service container allows you to bind closures that will be resolved later, when the actual instance is needed. It’s like a placeholder, waiting to be replaced with the real deal.

use App\Providers\AdminPanelProvider;

public function boot(AdminPanelProvider $provider)
    $provider->setUpAuthUsing(function () {
        return function () {
            // This will be resolved later, when Auth is available
            return Auth()->id();

By wrapping the `Auth()->id()` in a closure, we delay its resolution until the Auth facade is actually available. This way, we can pass the closure to the AdminPanelProvider, and it will be executed when the time is right.

But Wait, There’s More!

There’s another important aspect to consider when working with the Filament AdminPanelProvider: the concept of authentication gateways.

Authentication Gateways

An authentication gateway is a class that defines how users are authenticated in your application. It’s like a special door that only lets authorized users through.

In the context of the Filament AdminPanelProvider, you can define an authentication gateway to handle the authentication process for your admin panel.

use Filament\Authentication\AuthenticationGateway;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

class CustomAuthenticationGateway extends AuthenticationGateway
    public function authenticate(Request $request): User
        // Your custom authentication logic goes here
        // For example:
        $user = Auth::attempt(['email' => $request->input('email'), 'password' => $request->input('password')]);

        if (!$user) {
            throw new AuthenticationException();

        return $user;

By creating a custom authentication gateway, you can handle the authentication process in a way that suits your application’s needs.

Putting it All Together

Now that we’ve explored the mysterious case of the Filament AdminPanelProvider, let’s put all the pieces together.

use App\Providers\AdminPanelProvider;
use Filament\Authentication\AuthenticationGateway;

public function boot(AdminPanelProvider $provider)
    $provider->setUpAuthUsing(function () {
        return function () {
            // This will be resolved later, when Auth is available
            return Auth()->id();


With this code, we’ve successfully passed the `Auth()->id()` to the AdminPanelProvider, using the power of delayed resolution. We’ve also defined a custom authentication gateway to handle the authentication process for our admin panel.


In conclusion, the Filament AdminPanelProvider is a powerful tool that requires a deep understanding of Laravel’s service container and delayed resolution. By grasping these concepts, you can unlock the full potential of the AdminPanelProvider and create stunning admin interfaces for your application.

Remember, when in doubt, always consult the Laravel documentation and the Filament documentation. And, of course, don’t hesitate to reach out to the community for help.

Keyword Explanation
Filament AdminPanelProvider A powerful tool in Laravel Filament that allows you to create custom admin panels for your application.
Auth()->id() A facade in Laravel that provides the current authenticated user’s ID.
Laravel’s Service Container A powerful mechanism in Laravel that allows you to bind instances of classes to specific interfaces or aliases.
A technique in Laravel that allows you to bind closures that will be resolved later, when the actual instance is needed.
Authentication Gateway A class that defines how users are authenticated in your application.

By following this guide, you should now have a solid understanding of the Filament AdminPanelProvider and how to overcome the hurdle of passing `Auth()->id()` to it. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Filament AdminPanelProvider and Auth()->id()!

What is Filament AdminPanelProvider and how does it relate to Auth()->id()?

Filament AdminPanelProvider is a package for Laravel that provides a simple and modular way to create admin panels. It uses the Auth()->id() method to authenticate users and authorize access to the admin panel. In essence, Filament relies on Auth()->id() to determine the currently authenticated user and grant access to the admin panel.

Why can’t I pass Auth()->id() to the Filament AdminPanelProvider?

If you’re having trouble passing Auth()->id() to the Filament AdminPanelProvider, it’s likely because the authentication middleware hasn’t been executed yet. Make sure you have the StartSession and Authenticate middleware in your kernel.php file, and that you’re calling Auth()->id() after the middleware has been executed.

What are some common errors I might encounter when using Filament AdminPanelProvider with Auth()->id()?

Some common errors you might encounter include ” Auth()->id() returns null” or ” FatalException: Cannot access idle connection” errors. These can usually be resolved by checking your middleware configuration, ensuring that the authentication middleware is executed before calling Auth()->id(), and verifying that you have a valid user instance.

How do I troubleshoot issues with Filament AdminPanelProvider and Auth()->id()?

To troubleshoot issues, start by checking your Laravel debug logs for any errors related to authentication or middleware. You can also try disabling middleware temporarily to see if the issue persists. Additionally, verify that your user instance is valid and that the authentication middleware is executed before calling Auth()->id().

Are there any workarounds if I’m still having trouble with Filament AdminPanelProvider and Auth()->id()?

If you’re still having trouble, you can try using the Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth facade instead of the Auth()->id() method. You can also try injecting the authenticated user instance into your controller or service instead of relying on the Auth()->id() method. Finally, consider reaching out to the Filament community or Laravel forums for further assistance.

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