Solving the React Three Fiber Suspense Loader Not Displaying Issue for 3D Globe
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Solving the React Three Fiber Suspense Loader Not Displaying Issue for 3D Globe

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Are you tired of staring at a blank screen, wondering why your 3D globe isn’t loading? Do you find yourself scratching your head, trying to figure out why the suspense loader is MIA? Fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll navigate the treacherous waters of React Three Fiber and Suspense Loader to get your 3D globe spinning in no time.

The Mystery of the Missing Loader

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s set the stage. You’ve created a stunning 3D globe using React Three Fiber, and you’re eager to showcase it to the world. However, when you reload the page, the suspense loader fails to appear, leaving you with a frustratingly blank screen. What could be the culprit behind this vanishing act?

  • Incorrect suspense loader implementation
  • Incompatible version of React Three Fiber
  • Misconfigured loader settings
  • Conflicting CSS styles
  • And more!

Debugging the Issue

Before we start digging into the code, let’s take a step back and gather clues. Follow these steps to identify the source of the problem:

  1. console.log the loader’s visibility state to ensure it’s not a visibility issue.
  2. Inspect the HTML structure using the browser’s DevTools to confirm the loader’s presence.
  3. Verify that the suspense loader is correctly imported and implemented in your React component.
  4. Check the React Three Fiber version to ensure it’s compatible with your suspense loader version.

Solution 1: Correct Suspense Loader Implementation

Let’s start with the most common culprit: incorrect suspense loader implementation. Ensure that you’ve wrapped your 3D globe component with the suspense loader correctly:

import { Canvas, useFrame } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { Suspense, useState } from 'react';
import { OrbitControls } from '@react-three/drei';
import Globe from './Globe';

function App() {
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);

  useFrame(() => {
    if (loading) {

  return (
}> ); }

Solution 2: Compatible Version of React Three Fiber

Ensure that you’re using a compatible version of React Three Fiber. Check the official documentation for the recommended versions:

React Three Fiber Version Suspense Loader Compatibility
v7.0.0-beta.9 Compatible with suspense loader v1.2.0
v6.0.0-beta.4 Compatible with suspense loader v1.1.0

Solution 3: Misconfigured Loader Settings

Verify that your suspense loader settings are correctly configured. Check the following:

  • Loader timeout: Ensure that the loader timeout is set to a reasonable value (e.g., 3000ms).
  • Loader threshold: Verify that the loader threshold is set to a suitable value (e.g., 0.5).
  • Loader delay: Check that the loader delay is set to a suitable value (e.g., 500ms).

import { Suspense } from 'react';

function App() {
  return (
} timeout={3000} threshold={0.5} delay={500} > ); }

Solution 4: Conflicting CSS Styles

Sometimes, conflicting CSS styles can cause the suspense loader to disappear. Inspect the HTML structure and CSS styles to identify any potential conflicts:

  • Check for overlapping CSS selectors that might be hiding the loader.
  • Verify that the loader’s CSS styles are not overridden by other styles.
  • Use the browser’s DevTools to inspect the loader’s CSS styles and layout.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If none of the above solutions work, try the following:

  • Disable any browser extensions that might interfere with the suspense loader.
  • Check the console for any error messages related to the suspense loader.
  • Verify that the suspense loader is correctly imported and implemented in your React component.
  • Try using a different suspense loader library or implementation.


And there you have it! By following these solutions and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue of the suspense loader not displaying for your 3D globe. Remember to stay calm, methodically debug the issue, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Happy coding, and may your 3D globe spin smoothly!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with React Three Fiber Suspense Loader not displaying for your 3D Globe? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and get back on track.

Why is my 3D Globe not loading with React Three Fiber Suspense Loader?

This could be due to a few reasons! Make sure you’ve installed the required packages, including three-fiber, drei, and @react-three/drei. Also, check if you’ve correctly set up the Canvas and Suspense components in your code. If you’re still stuck, try inspecting your Three.js scene for any errors or warnings.

What’s the deal with the Suspense Loader not displaying?

This might be due to the Suspense Loader not being properly configured. Ensure that you’ve wrapped your 3D Globe component with the Suspense component from drei, and that you’ve set a fallback component to display while the globe is loading. You can also try adjusting the suspense timeout to give your globe more time to load.

How do I handle errors when loading my 3D Globe?

To catch any errors that might occur while loading your 3D Globe, wrap your globe component with an Error Boundary component. This will allow you to display a custom error message or fallback component when an error occurs. You can also use the onError callback prop to log or handle errors programmatically.

What if my 3D Globe is taking too long to load?

A slow-loading globe can be frustrating! To optimize performance, try reducing the complexity of your 3D model, using level of detail (LOD) techniques, or applying compression to your model files. You can also experiment with lazy loading or code splitting to load your globe more efficiently.

Can I customize the Suspense Loader animation?

Absolutely! You can customize the Suspense Loader animation by creating your own custom loader component and passing it as a prop to the Suspense component. This allows you to tailor the animation to fit your app’s unique style and branding.