Send Images to Whatsapp in Python using the Cloud API: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Burdett -

Send Images to Whatsapp in Python using the Cloud API: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually sending images to your friends and family on Whatsapp? Do you want to automate the process and make it more efficient? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to send images to Whatsapp in Python using the Cloud API. Yes, you read that right – with just a few lines of code, you can send images to Whatsapp using Python.

What is the Cloud API?

The Cloud API is a powerful tool that allows developers to interact with the Whatsapp platform programmatically. With the Cloud API, you can send and receive messages, make voice and video calls, and even send files – including images! In this article, we’ll focus on using the Cloud API to send images to Whatsapp using Python.


Before we dive into the code, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • A Whatsapp Business account (yes, you need a business account to use the Cloud API)
  • A Python IDE (we’ll be using PyCharm in this example)
  • The Twilio library installed (we’ll be using Twilio to interact with the Cloud API)
  • A Twilio account (you can sign up for a free trial account)

Step 1: Set up your Twilio account

First, let’s set up your Twilio account. If you haven’t already, sign up for a free trial account on the Twilio website. Once you’ve signed up, navigate to the Twilio console and create a new project.

    from import Client

    # Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
    account_sid = 'your_account_sid'
    auth_token = 'your_auth_token'
    client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

In the code above, replace ‘your_account_sid’ and ‘your_auth_token’ with your actual Twilio account credentials.

Step 2: Set up your Whatsapp Business account

Next, let’s set up your Whatsapp Business account. If you haven’t already, sign up for a Whatsapp Business account on the Whatsapp website. Once you’ve signed up, navigate to the Whatsapp Business dashboard and create a new business profile.

    from whatsapp_business_api import WhatsAppBusinessAPI

    # Your Whatsapp Business API credentials
    api_key = 'your_api_key'
    api_secret = 'your_api_secret'
    business_phone_number = 'your_business_phone_number'

    whatsapp_api = WhatsAppBusinessAPI(api_key, api_secret, business_phone_number)

In the code above, replace ‘your_api_key’, ‘your_api_secret’, and ‘your_business_phone_number’ with your actual Whatsapp Business API credentials.

Step 3: Send an image to Whatsapp using Python

Now that we’ve set up our Twilio and Whatsapp Business accounts, let’s send an image to Whatsapp using Python!

    from import Client
    from whatsapp_business_api import WhatsAppBusinessAPI

    # Your Twilio account credentials
    account_sid = 'your_account_sid'
    auth_token = 'your_auth_token'

    # Your Whatsapp Business API credentials
    api_key = 'your_api_key'
    api_secret = 'your_api_secret'
    business_phone_number = 'your_business_phone_number'

    client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
    whatsapp_api = WhatsAppBusinessAPI(api_key, api_secret, business_phone_number)

    # The phone number of the recipient
    recipient_phone_number = '+1234567890'

    # The image file you want to send
    image_file = 'path/to/image.jpg'

    # Send the image to Whatsapp
    message = client.messages.create(


In the code above, replace ‘your_account_sid’, ‘your_auth_token’, ‘your_api_key’, ‘your_api_secret’, ‘your_business_phone_number’, and ‘your_messaging_service_sid’ with your actual Twilio and Whatsapp Business API credentials. Also, replace ‘path/to/image.jpg’ with the actual path to the image file you want to send.

How it works

So, how does this code work? Here’s a breakdown:

  1. The code imports the necessary libraries: Twilio and Whatsapp Business API.
  2. The code sets up your Twilio and Whatsapp Business API credentials.
  3. The code specifies the phone number of the recipient and the image file you want to send.
  4. The code uses the Twilio library to send a message to the recipient’s phone number, specifying the image file as an attachment.


If you encounter any errors while running the code, here are some common troubleshooting steps:

  • Make sure you’ve replaced all the placeholders with your actual API credentials and phone numbers.
  • Check that your Twilio and Whatsapp Business API credentials are correct and up-to-date.
  • Verify that the image file is in the correct location and that the path is correct.
  • Check the Twilio and Whatsapp Business API documentation for any errors or specific requirements.


And that’s it! With just a few lines of code, you’ve successfully sent an image to Whatsapp using Python and the Cloud API. This is just the tip of the iceberg – with the Cloud API, you can automate a wide range of tasks and interactions with Whatsapp.

Remember to follow the Whatsapp Business API guidelines and terms of service when using the Cloud API. Happy coding!

API Description
Twilio A cloud communication platform that enables developers to build, scale, and operate real-time communication and collaboration.
Whatsapp Business API A cloud-based API that enables businesses to interact with customers programmatically, including sending and receiving messages, making voice and video calls, and sending files.

By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve learned how to send images to Whatsapp using Python and the Cloud API. With this knowledge, you can automate a wide range of tasks and interactions with Whatsapp, making your life easier and more efficient.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to snap, send, and smile with WhatsApp using Python and Cloud API! Here are the top 5 FAQs to help you get started:

Q1: What are the requirements to send images to WhatsApp using the Cloud API?

To send images to WhatsApp using the Cloud API, you’ll need a verified business phone number, a WhatsApp Business API account, and a Python library like Twilio or Vonage to interact with the API. Don’t forget to check WhatsApp’s guidelines and policies before getting started!

Q2: How do I upload an image to the Cloud API?

To upload an image to the Cloud API, you’ll need to use a cloud storage service like AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage. Then, use the API’s media upload endpoint to upload the image and get a media ID. This ID will be used to send the image to WhatsApp!

Q3: What’s the best way to send an image to WhatsApp using Python?

To send an image to WhatsApp using Python, use the Twilio or Vonage library to interact with the WhatsApp Business API. Simply create a message object, add the media ID of the uploaded image, and specify the recipient’s phone number. Then, use the API’s send message endpoint to send the image!

Q4: Can I send images in different formats, like JPEG or PNG?

WhatsApp supports a variety of image formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and more. When uploading an image to the Cloud API, make sure to specify the correct MIME type for the format you’re using. The API will take care of the rest, ensuring that the image is delivered to the recipient in the correct format!

Q5: Are there any limitations or restrictions when sending images to WhatsApp?

Yes, there are some limitations and restrictions when sending images to WhatsApp. For example, images should not exceed 5MB in size, and WhatsApp has guidelines around content quality and relevance. Be sure to review WhatsApp’s policies and guidelines to ensure that your image-sending app complies with their requirements!